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Simply plug them in without the need to screw them in place!
Frequently repeated screw connections can be released and joined within seconds - and even without any additional tools.
Extension of the article group bedding supports by further sizes.
New in the programme: Threaded lifting pins with handle for lifting loads by hand.
New item group of Push Plungers for the lateral pressing of components by spring force.
New item group Index Plungers and Index Bolts, now including index plungers that operate on the ball pen principle.
New item group of Rubber Metal Buffers, tapered.
Expansion of the item group EH 25160. by a version made from stainless steel A4 and new item groups EH 25165. made from sheet steel.
Expansion of Knurled Nuts and Knurled Thumb Screws by a version made from galvanised steel.
New item groups of Locators and Holders for Spring Plungers..
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