Extension of the article group bedding supports by further sizes.
New in the programme: Threaded lifting pins with handle for lifting loads by hand.
New item group of Push Plungers for the lateral pressing of components by spring force.
New item group Index Plungers and Index Bolts, now including index plungers that operate on the ball pen principle.
New item group of Rubber Metal Buffers, tapered.
Expansion of the item group EH 25160. by a version made from stainless steel A4 and new item groups EH 25165. made from sheet steel.
Expansion of Knurled Nuts and Knurled Thumb Screws by a version made from galvanised steel.
New item groups of Locators and Holders for Spring Plungers..
New article group for mounting on fixture plates by pressing into holes or screwing into threads.
Extension of the article group by a stainless steel version and a new article group with slot tenon.
Extension of the Pitbull® clamps by further versions with blunt edge made of brass & machinable edge made of steel for form-fit clamping.
Extension of the locating pins with ball end by new variants.
Extension of article groups EH 22030., EH 22050., EH 22060. and EH 22080. by further articles
Expansion and redesign of the product group Down-Thrust Clamps.
Now also available with red knob
New article group made entirely from stainless steel.
Now also available as version with body from thermoplastic.
Join and release screw connections quickly - with an axial bearing that offers a 50% increase in clamping force.
Product line “ceramic ball” now also with moveable ball
Extinderea gamei pentru includerea de balamale mai precise - unele cu funcții suplimentare.
Extinderea gamei de mânere cu un nou model și cu dimensiuni suplimentare.
Extinderea gamei de bolțuri de indexare cu o versiune cu senzor pentru interogarea digitală a stării de indexare.
Our customers both at home and abroad attest us an excellent delivery performance. Our punctuality of delivery is constantly validated and stands at more than 90 percent.
Fixarea pieselor rotunde rapid și ușor.
Maneta are integrat un sistem de cuplu intern care permite înșurubarea cu forță limitată.
Asamblați și dezasamblați conexiunile cu șurub în doar câteva secunde
Acest model se poate folosii unde există găuri filetate cu alezaj conform DIN 332.
Aceste noi știfturi de ridicare cu filet și cheie de tachelaj rotativă au avantajul că elementul de acorare se poate roti liber în jurul știftului datorită unei bucșe autolubrifiantă.
Știfturile ridicătoare, sunt acum disponibile și pentru filete M8 - M24 și filete în INCH.
Professionals know: Correct positioning is more than half the clamping battle!
New insert with stand-up for an ergonomic way of working
Noul catalog de elemente standardizate cu o intreagă gamă noua de produse noi și inovative.
Piulita cu know-how
Alăturați-vă unei călătorii printr-o lume plină de piese standard.
Sistemul nostru de managment de calitatie a fost verificat si certificat conform normei 2016.
Brand new product with hexalobular socket drive.
Variant with separate clamping and locking now available
Toggle Clamps for a screw of different applications
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Have a look to our current new parts:
Threaded Lifting Pins with handle Bedding Supports Spring Push Plungers Accessories for spring plungers Index Plungers / Index Bolts Damping Elements Hinges Knurled Nuts / Knurled Thumb Screws