EH 3749.
The SIMPLEX Promotional Box Automotive comprises our SIMPLEX soft-face mallet with copper and soft metal inserts with a diameter of 40 mm and a punch with nylon inserts - perfect for every car workshop.
The SIMPLEX soft-face mallet comes with the insert combination of copper / soft metal.
Representing the hardest insert in the SIMPLEX selection, the copper insert produces extremely high impact forces, but in a way that is gentler compared to a steel hammer. It is the replacement for a conventional copper hammer.
Made of aluminium, the silver soft metal insert is slightly softer than the copper insert, heat-resistant and a replacement for a classic lead hammer.
The black, reinforced cast steel housing provides for greater stability thanks to the enlarged wall thicknesses and struts. The increase in weight ensures greater impact force.
Extremely rugged and durable, the fibre glass handle offers exceptional break resistance. It is shaped ergonomically and includes a non-slip handle. It possesses a smooth surface and is inorganic (non-sensitive to moisture).
In line with the smart SIMPLEX principle, all components are replaceable and can be retrofitted. This translates to savings in both money and resources.
This combination makes the SIMPLEX one of the hardest and most stable soft-face mallets available.
Fitted on both ends with replaceable, very wear-resistant and splinter-proof heads made of special nylon, the Halder punch makes it possible to work with a steel hammer in an exceptionally secure and gentle manner.
Product features:
Plus Box comprised of the SIMPLEX soft-face mallet plus HALDER punch.
Lucrări de îndreptare, construcţia de fabrici, tinichigerie, asamblare şi reparaţii în industria de automobile şi camioane
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Conţine plumb – conform excepţiilor 6a / 6b / 6c.
Conţine plumb - lista SVHC [REACH] din 27.06.2024.
Prin expunere plumbul poate provoca cancer şi afectarea fertilitaţii
Acest produs nu conţine substanţe desemnate drept „minerale de conflict” precum tantalul, staniul, aurul sau wolfram din Republica Democratică Congo sau din ţările adiacente.