Use our digital catalogue and browse through our extensive product range. The linked article numbers will take you directly to the webshop.
我们和我们的客户正面临着一个高度变化和复杂的市场的需求 - 高弹性, 高精度, 高效率的生产。
由于我们的高质量标准, 目标导向思考, 确保我们产品的最佳化。Halder定位为有竞争力的合作伙伴,帮助并满足市场的需求。
除了提供种类繁多的高质量的产品外, 同等重要的是以客户为导向与售后服务。
由于高素质员工不可或缺, 我们提供良好的生涯发展机会给予年轻员工。实习生占员工的比例约10%。
精密德国制造 - 感谢我们拥有的全球知识,让我们每天有能力面对来自全球的巨大挑战
Extension of the article group bedding supports by further sizes.
New in the programme: Threaded lifting pins with handle for lifting loads by hand.
New item group of Push Plungers for the lateral pressing of components by spring force.
Closing dates over the Holiday Period:
23.12.2024 - 01.01.2025
Thank you for your confidence in us over the past year, we look forward to a good and successful cooperation in future.
Merry Christmas to you and your families and a healthy, prosperous New Year!
T +49 7392 7009-333
週一 週四
7.15 - 12.00
12.30 - 17.00
7.15 - 12.00
12.30 - 16.00
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Have a look to our current new parts:
Threaded Lifting Pins with handle Bedding Supports Spring Push Plungers Accessories for spring plungers Index Plungers / Index Bolts Damping Elements Hinges Knurled Nuts / Knurled Thumb Screws